вторник, 3 сентября 2024 г.

Я возвращаюсь! I'm back!

После длительного перерыва, я решила возобновить активность в блоге. За последние несколько лет в моей жизни произошли большие изменения, которые и привели к перерыву в творчестве. Но, у меня накопилось много миниатюр, которые я не публиковала. Поэтому начну в хронологическом порядке

After a long break, I decided to resume my blog activity. Over the past few years, there have been big changes in my life, which led to a break in creativity. But, I have accumulated a lot of miniatures that I have not published. So I will start in chronological order

Этот прелестный домик я делала когда-то для мамы

I once made this lovely house for my mother

Уютный двухэтажный домик. На первом этаже кухня и гостиная с камином

A cozy two-story house. On the first floor there is a kitchen and a living room with a fireplace

На втором этаже спальня и ванная

On the second floor there is a bedroom and a bathroom

Увы, жизнь повернулась так, что теперь этот домик хранится у меня. А мама получила свой уютный дом на небесах 🙏

Alas, life turned out so that now this house is kept by me. And my mother got her cozy house in heaven 🙏

2 комментария:

  1. Hi Ludmila, thanks for visiting my blog lately because this made me search yours! According to my modest opinion it's always a good thing if somebody returns to blogland... there are not many of us left around here.

    I really enjoyed to study the lovely pictures of this house you made. It's amazing how well you've used the limited space, nothing's missing and it's still cozy and not crowded. And you've also added so many lovely details like for example the book lying on the bedside table. But of course it touched me to learn about the reasons why this house being dedicated to your mother is now in your hands. I'm very sorry for your loss ... please excuse me asking this: Did she still have the chance to enjoy this very special gift of her talented daughter?

    Greetings from Germany

    1. Hi Birgit!
      I am very pleased to read your review. Thank you for visiting my blog. I am glad to be back, because the blog takes me back to the time when there were fewer problems ))))
      I finished this little house just before I left Ukraine in 2018. It made my mother happy for almost two years. In 2020, the coronavirus took my mother and I could not leave the little house there. I took it. After all, it was no longer mine, but belonged to my mother. This is how the circle turned out. For my mother, the little house was a reminder of me. And now it is a reminder of my mother to me.
