В магическом мире никак нельзя без шляпки. Поэтому я создала несколько шляп самых разных форм и цветов. Есть смешные, есть совершенно безумные.
In the magical world you can't do without a hat. That's why I created several hats of various shapes and colors. Some are funny, some are completely crazy.
Шляпка №1 Hat #1
В стиле Вилли Вонки In the style of Willy Wonka
Шоколадного цвета шляпа, украшена самыми разнообразными сладостями
A chocolate-colored hat, decorated with a variety of sweets
Шляпка №2 Hat #2
Невидимка Invisible
Низко опущенные поля шляпы как бы стараются скрыть даму от любопытных глаз
The low-hanging brim of the hat seems to try to hide the lady from prying eyes
Шляпка №3 Hat #3
Стимпанк Steampunk
Техно-крылья, гогглы и заклепки – яркие признаки стипманка
Techno-wings, goggles and rivets are the bright signs of steampunk
In addition to your stunning witch's study project you could easily open a magical millinery shop next regarding the variety of awesome and very creative hats you already made.
ОтветитьУдалитьI've really enjoyed your previous posts showing the details of the young witch's study. It's amazing how much decorations and details you've arranged in this small space. Btw I liked the way you've attached the lights with those wonky beams. And creating a stained glass window was the perfect touch.
Thank you for your feedback ))
УдалитьI was thinking about the idea of creating a mini hat store. But now I am more inclined to the idea of a simple display case with hats. The store can be very large, since I have a lot of hats, more than 15 pieces! But now I am extremely constrained by living conditions and I do not have space to store large roomboxes. Alas(((