четверг, 3 октября 2024 г.

Домик на заказ для салона красоты House for a beauty salon


Этот домик я сделала на заказ для салона красоты. Хозяйка того салона любит менять декорации в салоне в зависимости от сезона. Летом у нее всегда были ракушки, якорь, штурвал, чайки. И вот она захотела лесную тематику

I made this house to order for a beauty salon. The owner of that salon likes to change the decorations in the salon depending on the season. In the summer, she always had shells, an anchor, a steering wheel, seagulls. And now she wanted a forest theme


Конечно, я не могла сделать обычный домик. Из окон обязательно должен струиться таинственный свет.

Of course, I couldn't make an ordinary house. Mysterious light had to flow from the windows.

Мне кажется, что сказочную атмосферу мне удалось передать

I think I managed to convey the fairy-tale atmosphere

2 комментария:

  1. My, you're very productive with publishing new posts! Sorry, I've missed so many now that it's impossible to comment on every one - but I kept up with your work and it was very interesting to get in touch with the big variety of your work. I really liked the smart fox visiting forest school and the aquarium with the wrecked ship and the shark (although I'm not so sure if the shark is that happy after all finding itself in a tank *grin*) but somehow my favourite was the cloud house. Such a lovely idea and installation... it reminded me a bit of the German fairytale "Frau Holle". I'm also impressed how you're including lights in your projects as you did with the latest one and yes, it really has a fairytale atmosphere.


    1. Thanks for the feedback, Birgit

      Yes, the shark was definitely going to end up in an aquarium. But that was the customer's wish.

      Houses and light are my two passions. I always try to combine them in my projects.

      And yes, there are a lot of posts now, because I have a lot of finished works. I'm also working a lot on miniatures now. As soon as I finish broadcasting the accumulated news, I'll start showing current projects.

