пятница, 18 октября 2024 г.

Рабочая обстановка студента школы магии Working environment of a student of the school of magic


Огромное количество книг, свитки, записи по гербологии и образцы минералов. Все это предстоит выучить и записать прилежному студенту

A huge number of books, scrolls, notes on herbology and samples of minerals. All this must be learned and written down by a diligent student





2 комментария:

  1. Once more I was able to enjoy a huge bouquet of projects of all sorts and had a lot of fun watching your photos. You have an amazing variety in your work... and stunning skills in micro scales. For example the house in the pill jar or the modern architectural house, every tiny house perfectly furnished and decorated. Even the tiniest fairies got some comfort in their nutshell homes... wonderful work, also on the houses which were inspired by movies like the Weasley's or Kiki's home. I also like your magical supplies and I am very curious to see more for this magical school.


    1. Thank you very much for your feedback. I am very pleased to know that my work is liked and finds its fans )))
      Now I am preparing a series of posts about the roombox in the theme of the school of magic. I hope that it will be interesting
