Все члены тайного общества очень любят пить кофе. Поэтому неотъемлемым атрибутом нашего логова будет кофе.
All members of the secret society love to drink coffee. Therefore, an integral attribute of our lair will be coffee.
I love your coffee beans grinder and the beans bag. Now I'm going to join your secret society and treat myself with a cup of coffee.Hugs, Drora
Thank you, Drora! We will be happy to welcome you as a member of the society ))))
I love your coffee beans grinder and the beans bag. Now I'm going to join your secret society and treat myself with a cup of coffee.
ОтветитьУдалитьHugs, Drora
Thank you, Drora! We will be happy to welcome you as a member of the society ))))